Saturday, February 11, 2012

Miracle on 5th Avenue

This time I can say it!

Last week it was my birthday.  Marius asked what would I like as a present.  I replied, I'd just like Ratty to come home again, I miss him.

We all knew that we would not see him again.  He'd been missing for three weeks, he'd had two life-threatening 'neurological meltdowns', and there had been the poison on the golf course. 

I had almost begun to say goodbye to the hope of seeing him again.

Last night I went out to feed LG, Seams and Tiny Tim, before we went out to a party (yet another leaving do).  I went around the corner to the small generator building, and scattered the cat-crunchies on the steps, as I often do.  This technique spreads the food around so that no one cat can dominate the others and stop them getting a fair share.

I was in a bit of a hurry, so I didn't hang around while they ate;  I simply left my alms and headed home.  I had my back to the golf course and had entered our street.  I heard maows.  I presumed they were the maows of the cats I had been feeding.  But the voice was different and insistent.

I turned back to see Ratty leaping over the golf course wall and running towards me.


I wasn't sure for a moment that I had the right cat.  Ratty?

He came charging home with me, maowing and rubbing my legs and circling me and purring. 

I called to Marius:  Look who's here!  I can't believe it!

Ratty knew exactly where he was.  He came bounding in the front door and made straight for the food bowls, where he INHALED two full bowls of crunchies.  I expected him to be sick he was eating so fast, but no.

We went to the party full of excitement and disbelief. He'd been missing for 25 days and we had no expectation we would see him again, or even that he was still alive.

We came home early to check up on him.  He ate two more bowls of food and then settled down on the couch, on his back beside me.  Purring.  He has a few small scratches near his nose but no other signs of wounds or illness.  He is definitely thinner but his coat is in good condition and he is clean.  He paws are not worn, nor the fur around the pads matted or dirty.  His claws are long and sharp.

We have no idea where he has been.  Perhaps he was trapped somewhere, perhaps he got picked up and taken away, but he doesn't look like he's walked a long way.  The only sign that something is amiss is that he is thinner.  Strong but thin.

Not everybody is pleased to see him.  The jealous queen is put out:

We are delighted he is back and safe.  He is fast asleep at my feet now.



jabblog said...

What wonderful news! I hope he stays close to home now. He is one lucky cat.

Anonymous said...

I am so delighted - that's the longest I have heard of a cat going absent for and surviving, it must be true about the nine lives - he's used up several of his since I've been following you!

Karen said...

Hi Isabel
First time I've left a comment, very happy to hear that Ratty is safe and well - he might think twice before he goes partying with his mates next time.

Enjoying your blog, keep up the good work.

Penelope said...

Wow! Terrific news. How strange to be feeling so thrilled about a semi-feral cat in a remote piece of Exile . . . but you've shared him generously with us, Isabel. Thank you!

The Paradoxical Cat said...

Happy Birthday for last week, and a miaou for Ratty! x

Joan said...

Best present ever... so happy for you! And a very Happy Belated Birthday to you!

Stafford Ray said...

Happy cat news. But re champa#ne.
Read of your plight re X-ray for glass and wondered if you are ever checked for brew#ing kits?
I had a mate who used to skipper drilling rigs for the Saudis. At night a few well heeled blokes used to turn up in their nightie gowns and David Jones tea towel hats for a few (dozen) tots of single malt! Hypocrites! :-)

Susannah said...

I don't know how I missed this post! but what a wonderful valentine day present to read both of these posts today. :-)

A belated happy birthday to you. x

ninotaziz said...

Dear Isabel,
Sometimes Crookshanks goes missing for days and we wonder and wonder. Those were his bachelor days. Now that Sasha Basil Potter is the queen of the house, Crookshanks never strays too far.

Bless you, we know how it feels. But in this case, it was quite a miracle.


Liz Rice-Sosne said...

This is a wonderful story ... perhaps I shall tell my story of Max ... long, long gone after reaching a fine old age. Yes, I think he may have gone to kitty heaven in 86. This wonderful story of Ratyy reminds me of one of my Max.